Mobile BG9000/BG9000-1 系列移動式高頻C型臂X射線機
更新時間:2024-04-30 11:04:51 關鍵詞:動式高頻C型臂X射線機
Mobile BG9000/BG9000-1 系列移動式高頻C型臂X射線機是一款數字高頻主機的放射診斷設備,具有極低的輻射劑量和圖像質量,為臨床醫生和患者提供了安全、清晰的放射診斷體驗。該設備采用獨特的雙屏顯示面板,操作簡便直觀,可靠性高,同時還可選配手持控制器,提高了操作的靈活性和便捷性。
Mobile BG9000/BG9000-1 series mobile high-frequency C-arm X-ray machine is a radiological diagnostic equipment that adopts true digital high-frequency host, which provides the clearest and richest image with minimum dose, greatly reducing the potential harm of X-ray to clinicians and patients. Equipped with a unique double display panel, the operation of this equipment is intuitive, easy, and reliable. Additionally, it can be optionally equipped with a handheld controller, enhancing operational flexibility and convenience.
1. 數字高頻主機:采用數字高頻主機,可以在小的輻射劑量下獲得清晰、層次更豐富的圖像,大大降低了X射線對臨床醫生及患者的潛在傷害。
2. 獨特的雙屏顯示面板:采用獨特的雙屏顯示面板,操作直觀、簡便、可靠,用戶體驗更佳。可選配手持控制器,操作更加靈活便捷。
3. 電動C臂移動:C臂垂直升降、前后移動、旋轉均采用電動方式,操作更加便捷。
4. 微型計算機控制:采用微型計算機控制,具有故障自診斷功能,維護簡便。
5. 數字化接口設計:數字化接口設計,原廠研發軟件系統,整合業界先進的脈沖、增強、低劑量多重模式,提高診斷效果,減少輻射計量。
6. EMC電磁兼容檢測:嚴苛的EMC電磁兼容檢測,保證在復雜手術室設備環境中零干擾。
Mobile BG9000/BG9000-1 系列移動式高頻C型臂X射線機的推出,標志著數字化技術在放射診斷領域的廣泛應用。該設備以其高精度、低輻射、便捷操作等優勢,為臨床醫生提供了更加安全、準確、便捷的放射診斷解決方案,為放射診斷行業帶來了新的發展機遇。Mobile BG9000/BG9000-1 series mobile high-frequency C-arm X-ray machine is a revolutionary product that leads the radiological diagnostic field into a new era of digitalization. With its high precision, low radiation, and user-friendly operation, it provides clinicians with a safer, more accurate, and more convenient radiological diagnostic solution, bringing new opportunities for the development of radiological diagnostic industry.